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Command Line

The plugin can be used via the command line or any shell script. Since the plugin outputs yaml to standard out, you can run the generate command and pipe the output to kubectl.

argocd-vault-plugin generate ./ | kubectl apply -f -

This will pull the values from Vault, replace the placeholders and then apply the yamls to whatever kubernetes cluster you are connected to.

You can also read from stdin like so:

cat example.yaml | argocd-vault-plugin generate - | kubectl apply -f -

Argo CD

Before using the plugin in Argo CD you must follow the steps to install the plugin to your Argo CD instance. Once the plugin is installed, you can use it 3 ways.

  1. Select your plugin via the UI by selecting New App and then changing Directory at the bottom of the form to be argocd-vault-plugin.

  2. Apply a Argo CD Application yaml that has argocd-vault-plugin as the plugin.

kind: Application
  name: your-application-name
    name: ''
    namespace: default
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
    path: .
      name: argocd-vault-plugin
    repoURL: http://your-repo/
    targetRevision: HEAD
  project: default
  1. Or you can pass the config-management-plugin flag to the Argo CD CLI app create command:
    argocd app create you-app-name --config-management-plugin argocd-vault-plugin

Refreshing values from Secrets Managers

If you want to load in a new value from your Secret Manager without making any new code changes you must use the Hard-Refresh concept in Argo CD. This can be done in two ways. You can either use the UI and select the Hard Refresh button which is located within the Refresh Button.

You can also use the argocd app diff command passing the --hard-refresh flag. This will run argocd-vault-plugin again and pull in the new values from you Secret Manager and then you can either have Auto Sync setup or Sync manually to apply the new values.\

Caching the Vault Token

The plugin tries to cache the Vault token obtained from logging into Vault on the argocd-repo-server's container's disk, at ~/.avp/config.json for the duration of the token's lifetime. This of course requires that the container user is able to write to that path. Some environments, like Openshift, will force a random user for containers to run with; therefore this feature will not work, and the plugin will attempt to login to Vault on every run. This can be fixed by ensuring the argocd-repo-server's container runs with the user argocd.